Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How Can I Download adoc Studio?
adoc Studio is available in the Apple App Store.
What's the Current Stage of Development?
To learn more about our current product development, check out our development roadmap on We are always happy about feature requests.
Is There a Free Trial Available? If so, for How Long?
Yes, you can test adoc Studio 14 days for free.
Where Can I Get an Invoice for My Purchase?
The invoice from the App Store will be issued and sent directly from Apple. It will be issued to the billing address associated with your Apple ID. Click the "Manage Subscription" button in adoc Studio and you will be directed to the App Store.
Can I Share adoc Studio with My Family through "Share Purchases"?
Yes, this is possible. If you have family sharing enabled in your Apple account, you can share access to your adoc Studio subscription with up to five other family members.
Each family member uses their own account, so everyone’s experience stays personalized and private. The shared content automatically appears on the Purchased page in the App Store or iTunes Store.
Can I Also Buy a Perpetual License Instead of Starting a Subscription?
adoc Studio is only available on subscription. The subscription is automatically renewed at the end of the selected period if it has not been canceled before.
So you constantly benefit from the improvements and enhancements in the software, without having to purchase them separately as updates.
Also, if you temporarily do not have a project to work on, you are free to cancel the subscription and re-subscribe again at a later date. Your data will be retained even without a current subscription and you can still use the software in "read-only mode".
I Want to Cancel My Purchase, What Do I Need to Do?
adoc Studio is available on the Apple App Store. To request a refund, please follow the procedure outlined by Apple Support.
Do you have further questions? Join our forum and ask our team.